For every Cordova (PhoneGap) app that I've created for iOS, I've wanted to prevent the UIWebView from bouncing.
There's two potential solutions, one is a setting in the plist, and the second is a change to the objective-c code.
For PhoneGap 1.5.0 and later the best solution is to set "UIWebViewBounce" to "NO" in the PhoneGap.plist/Cordova.plist file (which file you have depends on which version of the SDK you are using.) In the 'Root' of the plist file, look for "UIWebViewBounce", and set it to "NO" or "false" (If it's missing, go ahead and add it to the plist file.)
UIWebViewBounce NO
For versions previous to 1.5 and native projects that are using the UIWebView, you would need to make a change to the Objective-C in the project.
The solution is to send the setBounces:NO message. You'll need to change the MainViewController.m (or AppDelegate.m file in older versions of Cordova/Callback/PhoneGap).
Look for webViewDidFinishLoad, and within that method add the following line:
[[theWebView.subviews objectAtIndex:0] setBounces:NO];
Note, that I've seen suggestions that the following Javascript would work:
document.onload = function(){
document.ontouchmove = function(e){ e.preventDefault(); }
This doesn't work because the bounce occurs before the document.ontouchmove event is fired.